Chapter 1: About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have been pests since humans lived in caves. At least one species of bed bugs switched from feeding on bats to humans. As humans progressed and moved into houses, they likely brought the unwelcome guests with them. If you look through history, you'll find bed bugs in literature and folklore around the world, including in early Egyptian and Roman writings.

Bed bug populations drastically declined in industrialized countries during the 20th century due to the use of insecticides. However, these insecticides are no longer used, and bed bugs are making a comeback. Today, you'll find them in homes, hotels, cruise ships, airplanes and other places where they can hide and feast on blood.

If you're worried about bed bugs and want to take action, it helps to learn a little bit about them first. That way, you'll know whether you have a bed bug issue or another type of pesky visitor.

In this chapter, we'll show you how to identify bed bugs, and we'll also talk about bed bug size. If you come up with questions along the way, we're here to help at Lifecycle Pest Control.

What Are Bed Bugs?

A bed bug is a bloodsucking insect that feeds on humans and other warmblooded animals. Bed bugs belong to the Cimicidae family, which is a group of small parasitic insects. Although there are around 90 species of Cimicidae in the world that feed on birds and bats, there are only three species of bed bugs associated with humans.

Bed bugs need blood to live, grow and reproduce. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, they must eat at least once every two weeks to keep mating and producing eggs.

Bed bugs typically feed at night when their host is asleep and less likely to notice them. However, if they're hungry enough, they'll come out during the day to get a meal. This means it is possible to get bitten by bed bugs when relaxing on the couch in the middle of the day.

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